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Mosaic of Women’s Whole Health

A nuanced exploration of physical, mental, and financial health and wellness

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The economic power of women has increased significantly, helping to transform this broad, diverse demographic into powerful decision makers with influence over their own and others’ health care decisions.

Resonate has teamed up with Butler/Till, a woman-owned, led, and founded company, to create a bespoke study on the Modern Woman as a Healthcare Consumer that identifies five nuanced, diverse segments you can explore using fresh, recent Resonate AI-powered data that offers the powerful insights you need to effectively connect with your specific audiences.

Set yourself up for success and be one of the first to explore the unique behaviors and needs of five detailed segments. In this forthcoming report, you’ll learn:

  • The fascinating results of a holistic investigation into multifaceted dimensions that shape women’s lifestyles, expenditures, and caregiving roles
  • How COVID-19 affected the purchasing decisions women in various life stages and financial situations are making right now
  • What the healthcare needs of each of the five distinct segments are and how their views on topics like prescriptions and vaccines are affecting their choices





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