Reopening America: Tracking Data on Where U.S. Consumers Stand Today

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In 2020, a whirlwind of change gripped the U.S. consumer. Lockdowns. Stay-at-home orders. Business closures. Life screeched to a halt. 

And, now, we grapple with the uncertainty of reopening the American economy. 

What does this mean for you? How should you communicate with an audience that isn't sure what’s next? 

Resonate is the only consumer data and intelligence company closely tracking real-time data on the current state of American adult consumer sentiment. We’re actively collecting and analyzing survey results to measure anxiety, behaviors and motivations around the coronavirus pandemic and producing deep, dynamic consumer intelligence to inform your decision making during this critical time.  

We’ve distilled a massive data set into the third wave of our complimentary report revealing American’s readiness to move forward within the ‘new normal’ and unpacked what ‘new normal’ actually means. This vital and unprecedented report compares survey points across March, April and May data, while answering burning consumer questions, including: 

  • Which consumers are ready to travel by plane or train –– and who is willing to travel stateside or internationally? 

  • Who is willing to step foot back in a mass gathering of hundreds, or even thousands –– and, for those who aren’t, what would it take for them to feel secure? 

  • Which sports fans are eagerly awaiting a return to the field –– and which fans will tune in to watch teams play in front of empty stadiums? 

  • When and how to pivot your messaging to capture audiences who are returning and which messages will put their anxieties at ease 

Hear from Resonate's Chief Marketing Officer Ericka Podesta McCoy for a deep dive into this insight-packed and first of its kind report. You’ll gain access to the real-time data you need now as your organization looks forward to the third and fourth quarters. 

This isn’t only about maintaining operations and identifying areas for growth –– your new business reality means adapting to a consumer culture that meets existing customers where they are and targets prospects ready to jump back in. We have the data to make that happen.