Forrester’s Guide to Successfully Launch Your Customer Analytics Pilot
How to Pick a Pilot, Implement It, and Communicate Results
According to research by Forrester, firms at the advanced level of insights-driven maturity are 5x more likely than those at the beginner level to report annual revenue growth north of 20%.
But first, you'll need to make your case for a budget, resources, and executive attention—and that comes down to choosing the right pilot project, implementing it, and communicating the results effectively.
Use the framework in Forrester's Pick A Powerful Pilot To Propagate Customer Analytics to guide you on your next pilot project. In this report, you'll learn how to:
Set clear business goals with stakeholders
Map data and analytics to potential pilots
Take future-focused steps to expand efforts
Download Forrester’s latest guide on how to successfully launch your customer analytics pilot now and to set yourself up for success!