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State of the Consumer Report 2018


What consumers buy and how they buy it are changing rapidly. Are you keeping up?

The U.S. economy is on the uptick and consumers have been spending more on goods and services in 2018. We analyzed five types of consumers and discovered significant themes that will force brands to develop new ways to reach and connect with shoppers. 

By the end of 2018, retail sales are expected to surpass the previous year by 5.1%. Online sales will be up 14%, and in-stores sales will climb 3.5%. It’s a sunny picture for brands and retailers. But shoppers are inundated with product and retail choices and companies need to break through the noise and make stronger connections with customers.

We looked at the values and motivations of five types of consumers within the Resonate Platform: the car shopper, the bank switcher, the baby boomer, the box subscriber and the voice-activated shopper. Several themes emerged: 

  • Consumers want innovation—they’ll pay for it. 
  • In-person customer service has been missing—consumers want it back.  
  • People don’t want to just shop—they want an experience.   

Download your copy of the State of the Consumer Report 2018 and start developing your strategies for connecting with today’s shopper.