The Wearable Marketer’s Playbook

Let’s get to know four key target audiences in the wearable device market and garner insights to help you acquire, expand, and retain their loyalty. 

  • All Wearable Users – Americans who use a wearable regularly. 
  • Wearable Power Users – Americans who regularly use a wearable and exercise frequently. 
  • Wearable Potential Non-Users – Americans who own a wearable, but may not use it regularly, may not see value in owning one, and may not have plans to purchase a new one. 
  • Wearable Want-ers – Americans who plan to purchase a wearable in the next 12 months. 

Download The Wearable Marketer’s Playbook for fresh data that will help you reach and connect with your customers and prospects. 

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